The Coaches
Assistant Coach (Level 3) - Johnny Powell
Assistant Coach (Level 1) - Deirdre Lowe
Assistant Coach (Level 1) - Edel Mullane
Assistant Coach (Level 1) - Patricia Cleary
Assistant Coach (Level 1) - Grainne Donoghue
Assistant Coach (Level 2 swim teacher) - Cian Johnston
Assistant Coach (Level 2 water polo coach) - Mauris Smialek
Chairperson: Deirdre Lowe
Assistant Chairperson: Sinead Nolan
Honorary Secretary: Jane O’Neill
Honorary Treasurer: Patricia Cleary
Assistant Treasurer: Loretta Fagan
P.R.O.: Edel Mullane
Education Officer: Joan Browne
Committee: Fiona Fallon, Aisling Fitzgerald
Coach: Denise Dolan (086) 6089673
Childrens Officers: Edwina Connell (087) 9617395
Designated Person: Patricia Cleary (087) 2596891
Technical Chair (non committee): Barbara Quinn
External CCO: Ted O’Brien
Club Captains: Leah Connell, Sasha Coleman, Sean O'Neill, Kyle Fagan
Our Club Children’s Officers’ role is to liaise between the children and the committee of the club, ensuring that the children have a voice with regard to Club matters. The Club Children’s Officers are available to any child or swimmer if they have a problem or a concern.
Club Mission Statement
Athlone Swimming Club is dedicated to the promotion and encouragement of competitive swimming in an enjoyable and motivating atmosphere.
As competitors, our swimmers will strive towards excellence to achieve the best they can at their level of ability.
The club supports the values of fair play – respect for self, coaches, team mates and opponents.
Club Vision
Through the sport our swimmers will have an opportunity to develop healthy behaviours and a lifelong love of swimming.
Our swimmers will develop high self-esteem, responsibility and self-motivation.
Our swimmers will demonstrate teamwork, respect, trust, honesty and good sportsmanship.